Friday, December 3, 2010


Title: Torchlight
Author: Carol Otis Hurst
Image copied from
Copyright: 2006

Charlotte and Maggie are friends living in the same town in New England during the 1850s, but their friendship is not accepted by most people in Westfield. These two girls are not supposed to be friends because Charlotte is a Yankee while Maggie is Irish. It seems that most of the Yankees in Westfield want the Irish to leave town.

The children of Westfield share their parents dislike of the town's Irish citizens. Charlotte is punished by her Yankee classmates for choosing to be friends with Maggie. The teacher refuses to listen to Charlotte's side of the story and warns her that she needs to change her behavior in order to properly represent her family.

The Yankee dislike of the Irish comes to a head the night of the bonfires when the Yankee citizens of Westfield threaten to burn the church the Irish have been building.

Will Charlotte and Maggie's friendship survive or will the girls be split apart by their families and neighbors?

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